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Книжная серия «Starmont Reader»

Годы существования: 1976 – 1992

(Серия закрыта)


The Starmont Reader's Guides became the flagship series for the company, eventually reaching Number 61 in 1992 (although some numbers were skipped). As the series progressed, the average length of the guides grew, with one of the later books (Frederik Pohl, by Thomas D. Clareson) reaching 178 pages, longer than the average page count of a Twayne critique. Editor Schlobin kept tight control over the guides: the series format required a chronology of the author's life and works, an introduction summarizing the subject's biography, coverage of the major books or collections of short stories, detailed primary and secondary bibliographies, and index.

Ведущее издательство:

Starmont House

Все издательства:

Borgo Press, Starmont House

Изданий в серии:


Сортировка изданий: по умолчанию по названию по автору по году   Фильтр


Carl B. Yoke№1

Roger Zelazny

авторская книга, 1979 год

Роберт Кроссли№2

H. G. Wells

авторская книга, 1986 год

John Kinnaird№3

Olaf Stapledon

авторская книга, 1986 год


Cover art is not credited.
Thomas D. Clareson№4

Frederik Pohl

авторская книга, 1987 год


Cover by Stephen Fabian.
Jeff Frane№5

Fritz Leiber

авторская книга, 1980 год


A chronology, study, annotated bibliography of Leiber's works.
Cover art by Stephen E. Fabian, Sr. and Jr.
Eric S. Rabkin№6

Arthur C. Clarke

авторская книга, 1979 год


Cover art by Stephen Fabian
Thomas D. Clareson№7

Robert Silverberg

авторская книга, 1983 год


Cover art by Stephen E. Fabian.
Carolyn Wendell№8

Alfred Bester

авторская книга, 1982 год


A chronology, study, annotated bibliography of Bester's works, both within and outside of the science fiction genre.
Cover art by Stephen E. Fabian, Sr. and Jr.
Carolyn Wendell№9

Alfred Bester

авторская книга, 1982 год

Joan Gordon№10

Joe Haldeman

авторская книга, 1980 год


The brief critical survey of Joe Haldeman's writings.
Cover art by Stephen E. Fabian, Sr. and Jr.
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