Издательство Les Éditions de ...

Издательство «Les Éditions de L'Oubli»


Les Edition de L'Oubli was a fictitious publishing house working in the 1940', specialized in Romanian surrealist literature, Dada poetry and other pieces of avant-garde. They were saying the press is in Paris but in fact it was in Bucharest. It would be easier to find a lost Machen novel than to find a copy of a book published by Les Editions de L'Oubli. No one knows anything about it, beside the occasional rumors. Some years ago I was boasting to a friend here in Bucharest that I believed I have found the old house where these literary instigators were printing their manifests. To sustain my case I had an old map of Bucharest and one letter from the Dadaist Luca Gherasim to Dolfi Trost (warlock of entropic graphomania), in which the later was hinting at a certain address. My theory was of course, politely rejected by my older and judicious friend but the idea persisted in my mind. Once I will return to Romania, this week, I might try my luck again at finding this much elusive maison.





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