Издательство Ansible Editions

Издательство «Ansible Editions»


Год открытия: 2003


Не путать с американским издательством Ansible Press.

Reading, Berkshire
Ген. директор:
David Langford

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Fandom Harvest II

2019 год

Описание: Cover art by Steve Stiles.

The Complete Patchin Review

2019 год

Описание: Полная подборка нью-йоркского журнала критики "The Patchin Review", выходившего с 1981 по 1985 гг.

Benchmarks Continued: The F&SF "Books" Columns, Volume 1, 1975-1982

2012 год

Описание: The first instalment of a three-volume collected edition of Algis Budrys's classic SF review columns for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
The "Canterbury Arcade" cover graphic was chosen to echo (if distantly) the architectural clip-art used on the original hardback of Benchmarks: Galaxy Bookshelf.

Benchmarks Revisited: The F&SF "Books" Columns, Volume 2, 1983-1986

2013 год

Описание: The second instalment of a three-volume collected edition of Algis Budrys's classic SF review columns for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
The cover illustration – showing Budrys in the 1980s – is based on the F&SF "Books" column masthead drawn by Tom Bevans, then art director for Simon & Schuster. This masthead appeared from January 1985 to August 1987.

Benchmarks Concluded: The F&SF "Books" Columns, Volume 3, 1987-1993

2013 год

Описание: The final instalment of a three-volume collected edition of Algis Budrys's classic SF review columns for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
The cover illustration – showing Budrys in the 1980s – is based on the F&SF "Books" column masthead drawn by Tom Bevans, then art director for Simon & Schuster. This masthead appeared from January 1985 to August 1987.
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