Издательство «Hamlyn»Год открытия: 1950 Страна:ВеликобританияГород:LondonАдрес:Endeavour House, 189 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8JYУчаствует в |
Всего изданий:
71Внесерийные издания
The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Ideas & Dreams
1977 год
Описание: The Illustrated Book of Science Fiction Ideas & Dreams is the equally excellent companion volume to David A. Kyle's earlier A Pictorial History of Science Fiction.Like the first volume, Science Fiction Ideas & Dreams is an oversized book, thoroughly illustrated in black-and-white and color. The author here divides the field into ten chapters for basic themes: extraordinary voyages, futuristic cities, gadgets and gimmicks, and so on. Of course there is constant blurring of categories; these are not hard-edged, but allow us to get some kind of conceptual grip on the vast fluid subject of science fiction.
Cover illustration of the May 1944 issue of Amazing Stories by Malcolm Smith.