Издательство Ghost Story ...

Издательство «Ghost Story Press»

Годы существования: 1993 – 2003


Издательство прекратило своё существование.

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Flaxman Low, Psychic Detective

1993 год

Описание: Cover art and 72 illustrations by E. B. Minns.

Two Ghost Stories: A Centenary

1993 год

Описание: Cover art by James McBryde.

Tedious Brief Tales of Granta and Gramarye

1993 год

Описание: Cover art and fifteen illustrations by E. Joyce Shillington Scales.

The White Road

1997 год

Описание: Illustrations by Nick Malloret.

Fear Walks The Night

1993 год

Описание: Cover art and illustrations by Andrew King.

Tales of the Grotesque: A Collection of Uneasy Tales

1994 год

Описание: Cover artwork “The Tower of Moab” by Steven Stapledon
Frontispiece “Hybrid” by Andrew King, based upon the
1934 pictorial dust jacket, kindly supplied by Michael Thompson.

Tales of the Supernatural

1994 год

Описание: Front cover ‘Head With Green Hair In The Depths Of Hell’ by Austin Osman Spare.
Illustrations by Jim Cawthorn of ‘The Witches’ Sabbath’.
Portrait of James Platt by Richard Dalby’s mum Nancy Dalby.

The Story of a Troll-Hunt

1994 год

Описание: Cover and illustration James McBryde.

Those Whom the Old Gods Love

1994 год

Описание: Cover art by Andrew King

Куратор — Tsathogua

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