Издательство Candlewick Press

Издательство «Candlewick Press»

Год открытия: 1991

Somerville (MA)
99 Dover Street, Somerville, MA 02144
0-7636, 1-56402

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

13 Days of Midnight

2016 год

Описание: Book 1 in the "Luke Manchett" series.

8 Rivers of Shadow

2016 год

Описание: Book 2 in the "Luke Manchett" series.

A Monster Calls

2011 год

Описание: Illustrations by Jim Kay.

A Stone for Sascha

2018 год

Описание: The illustrated wordless story.
Cover art by Aaron Becker.

Angel Fire

2012 год

Описание: Второй роман трилогии «Angels».
На русском языке издан первый роман трилогии — «Охота на ангела».

Baba Yaga's Assistant

2015 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artworks Emily Carroll.

Begone the Raggedy Witches

2018 год

Описание: Book 1 in the «The Wild Magic Trilogy».

Betrayal on Orbis 2

2008 год

Описание: Book 2 in "The Softwire" series.
Cover artist is not credited.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

2014 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artwirk by John Burningham.


2012 год

Описание: Четвертый роман цикла «Tantalize».

Eight Rivers of Shadow

2017 год

Описание: Book 2 in the "Luke Manchett" series.

Elf in the House

2017 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artworks by Adam Record.

Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist

2007 год

Описание: Book 3 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Sarah Gibb.

Emily Windsnap and the Crystal Caves

2025 год

Описание: Book 10 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Erin Farley.

Emily Windsnap and the Falls of Forgotten Island

2018 год

Описание: Book 7 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Erin Farley.

Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep

2006 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Sarah Gibb.

Emily Windsnap and the Pirate Prince

2019 год

Описание: Book 8 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Erin Farley.

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls

2015 год

Описание: Book 6 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Sarah Gibb.

Emily Windsnap and the Tides of Time

2020 год

Описание: Book 9 in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Erin Farley.

Emily Windsnap's Fin-tastic Friendship Book

2009 год

Описание: Book in the «Emily Windsnap» series.
Illustrations by Sarah Gibb.


2016 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artworks by Christopher Silas Neal.

Feral Curse

2014 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «Feral» series.

Fergus and Zeke

2017 год

Описание: Book in the "Fergus and Zeke" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Heather Ross.

Fergus and Zeke at the Science Fair

2018 год

Описание: Book in the "Fergus and Zeke" series.
Cover art and interior artworks by Heather Ross.

French Ducks in Venice

2011 год

Описание: Иллюстратор — Erin McGuire (Illustrator).

Froi of the Exiles

2012 год

Описание: Второй роман цикла «The Lumatere Chronicles».

Ghost in the House

2013 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artworks by Adam Record.

Good Babies: A Tale of Trolls, Humans, a Witch and a Switch

2005 год

Описание: Иллюстрация на обложке и внутренние иллюстрации Kelly Murphy.

Harvest House

2023 год

Описание: Book 2 in the «Hearts Unbroken» series.

Haunted Waters

1996 год

Описание: Cover art by Angela Barrett.


2013 год

Описание: Book 2 in the "Above World" series

Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister

2008 год

Описание: Illustrations by Katie May
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