Harry Potter and the Methods ...

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Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

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Ссылка на сообщение 8 августа 2012 г. 19:28  
Anyone reading this fanfic? I don't usually read them but hpmor really stands out. For everyone interested — chapters become larger and more serious around ch.6 and author himself recommends to read at least to ch.10 to see if you'll like it. Work is unfinished and new chapters are released in batches.


Short description by author:


something, somewhere, somewhen, must have happened differently...

PETUNIA EVANS married Michael Verres, a Professor of Biochemistry at Oxford.

HARRY JAMES POTTER-EVANS-VERRES grew up in a house filled to the brim with books. He once bit a math teacher who didn't know what a logarithm was. He's read Godel, Escher, Bach and Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases and volume one of The Feynman Lectures on Physics. And despite what everyone who's met him seems to fear, he doesn't want to become the next Dark Lord. He was raised better than that. He wants to discover the laws of magic and become a god.

HERMIONE GRANGER is doing better than him in every class except broomstick riding.

DRACO MALFOY is exactly what you would expect an eleven-year-old boy to be like if Darth Vader were his doting father.

PROFESSOR QUIRRELL is living his lifelong dream of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, or as he prefers to call his class, Battle Magic. His students are all wondering what's going to go wrong with the Defense Professor this time.

DUMBLEDORE is either insane, or playing some vastly deeper game which involved setting fire to a chicken.

DEPUTY HEADMISTRESS MINERVA MCGONAGALL needs to go off somewhere private and scream for a while.


Ссылка на сообщение 14 августа 2012 г. 13:03  
Is it really a fiction or some sort of quasi-science-work?
Шпенглер & Инститорис


Ссылка на сообщение 14 августа 2012 г. 19:28  

цитата kerigma

Is it really a fiction or some sort of quasi-science-work?

It is alternative-reality fiction in the HP world. There is no uber muggle-magic artifacts (except one or two minor occasions), a few references to scientific laws or achievements (like space flight). Mostly it is Harry playing Machiavelli games alongside Dumbledore and Quirrell.


Ссылка на сообщение 26 сентября 2012 г. 19:44  
I never laugh so much. Original Harry is stupid idiot near this one.))
The world is no longer Fantasy, it's begining of Science Fiction.


all wondering what's going to go wrong with the Defense Professor this time.

Really, all mysterious in "Rainbow's End" or "Malazan" are as nothing near this book.)


Ссылка на сообщение 6 января 2013 г. 02:44  
Oh, I'm so glad there are people who read this fic! My freinds just don't get it. I don't know, is it because of gen thing — they pretty much don't read anything that is not slash — or science thing, or AU thing — not any of them even opened HPMoR because of summary. Yeah, it does seem a bit Marty-Sue, flat and simple. Currently I'm trying to trick my little cousine into reading this. I sincerely hope he will like it.
So wadda ya think? Is Quirell framed Hermione? Is Quirell even Voldemort? Do you trust him? Maybe it's me being naive, but I just so don't wanna it — Harry breaks his heart over Quirell betrayal or something.

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I'd like to them falling into each other hands and rule the Earth together or stuff

Did Sirius really betray Potters in this verse or it's just Quirell made up this?
Do you like Dumbledore in this fic?
What you think about Harry's, Draco's and Hermione's armies? Who did you support?


Ссылка на сообщение 28 октября 2013 г. 16:53  

цитата Нокорро

I don't know, is it because of gen thing — they pretty much don't read anything that is not slash

They don't read gen fanfics or really anything that is not slash? It's pretty sad in the second case. :-(
As for this fic, I tried to read it but stopped. It seems too pretentious, and characters are pretty OOC. It looks like the autor is just using them to demonstrate his own ideas, because if he wrote original work, it would draw less attention. Besides, I don't like the fact that

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Hermione dies.
My own story comes from all the stories I’ve heard.


Ссылка на сообщение 8 марта 2014 г. 01:51  

цитата Tooluka

It is alternative-reality fiction in the HP world. There is no uber muggle-magic artifacts (except one or two minor occasions), a few references to scientific laws or achievements (like space flight).

Wow! I went to this site just by curiosity, but I'm really astonished by it! Thanks a lot! 8-)


Ссылка на сообщение 8 марта 2014 г. 02:34  
The fic is totally awesome, definitely worth reading. For me it has only two drawbacks. The first one is that it's not finished yet, and Eliezer is awfully slow. He hopes to have the fic finished by this year, but he's not sure. The second one is that it raises your demands for other books considerably :) After this reading this fic most heroes in other books look either stupid or like clinical idiots.

Eliezer recently brought to our attention a very interesting project. I dare to say that it resembles HPMOR in many ways, but it's more action-oriented, larger and, most importantly, already finished. It's called "The Worm": http://parahumans.wordpress.com/


Ссылка на сообщение 23 октября 2015 г. 00:42  

цитата esperanza-16

Hermione dies.

I hate u.:-(
Карма отличается от кармана турбулентностью.


Ссылка на сообщение 7 февраля 2016 г. 00:09  

цитата TenebrosaInvidia

I hate u

But I put a spoiler here?...

скрытый текст (кликните по нему, чтобы увидеть)

She gets better, don't worry.
My own story comes from all the stories I’ve heard.


Ссылка на сообщение 28 августа 2016 г. 01:52  
Can anyone recommend a book written on the same approach?


Ссылка на сообщение 19 октября 2020 г. 04:07  

цитата Tooluka

Anyone reading this fanfic? I don't usually read them but hpmor really stands out.

No, but if you love a certain series, then fanfic can be just as good.
I guess the best would be if someone wrote a fanfic where the author of the original series laid out their ideas for a sequel, and the fanfic was implementing the ideas.

Personally though I'm not a Harry Potter fan.


Ссылка на сообщение 19 октября 2020 г. 04:08  

цитата Scorch52

I dare to say that it resembles HPMOR in many ways

When I saw the word HPMOR there, I thought you meant Humor.
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