Reflections on the Fantastic ...

«Reflections on the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts»

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Reflections on the Fantastic: Selected Essays from the Fourth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


Santa Barbara (CA): Greenwood Press, 1986 г. (декабрь)

Серия: Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy

ISBN: 0-313-25555-5, 978-0-313-25555-7

Тип обложки: твёрдая

Страниц: 124


Выпуск 24. Сборник статей с Четвертой международной конференции по фантастическому в искусстве.

Художник не указан.


  1. Brian Attebery. Fantasy as an Anti-Utopian Mode (статья)
  2. George Reinhardt. Swiss Animal Satire as Psychological Safety Valve (статья)
  3. Jean Tobin. Myth, a Memory, a Will-o'-the Wish: Peter Beagle's Funny Fantasy (статья)
  4. Tony Chadwick, Virginia Harger-Grinling. Djinn by Alain Robbe-Grillet: Or the Architecture of the Fantastic (статья)
  5. Michele K. Langford. Felix Labisse: A Fantastic Bestiary (статья)
  6. Gloria S. Meléndez. Reincarnation and Metempsychosis in Amado Nervo's Fiction of Fantasy (статья)
  7. Kathleen M. Glenn. Reflections on the Writing of a Fantastic Narrative (статья)
  8. Michael R. Collings. Samuel R. Delany and John Wilkins: Artificial Languages, Science, and Science Fiction (статья)
  9. Philip E. Smith II. Last Orders and First Principles for the Interpretation of Aldiss's Enigmas (статья)
  10. Willis E. McNelly. Change, Stasis, and Entropy in the Works of Brian W. Aldiss (статья)
  11. Thomas P. Dunn. Theme and Narrative Structure in Ursula K. Le Guin's The Dispossessed and Frederik Pohl's Gateway (статья)
  12. Gregory M. Shreve. Intimate Circuits: Man-Computer Communion in Coils (статья)

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