Kobold Guide to ...

«Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, Volume 2»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, Volume 2

первое издание

Язык издания: английский


Redmond (WA): Paizo Publishing, 2022 г. (март)

ISBN: 1-950-78928-4, 978-1-950-78928-3

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 112


Сборник эссе о создании фантастических миров.


  1. John Joseph Adams. Introduction (статья)
  2. Keith Baker. Airships and Dragonbone Barons: Developing Magical Industries (эссе)
  3. Coral Alejandra Moore. Weave Your Worlds Thread by Thread: A Guide to Diverse and Inclusive Worldbuilding (эссе)
  4. James L. Sutter. Good Gods! Designing Unique Deities (эссе)
  5. Ashley Warren. The Marketplace Microcosm (эссе)
  6. Banana Chan. It’s This Meets That: Using Comparables to Inspire Your Worlds (эссе)
  7. Michael E. Shea. Spiral Campaign Development: Building a Campaign World in 30 Minutes (эссе)
  8. Monty Martin, Kelly McLaughlin. Six Hot Takes on Worldbuilding for Roleplaying Games (эссе)
  9. Gabe Hicks. The Worlds We Adore (эссе)
  10. Ken Liu. Technology as a Set of Story-Telling Tools: Or How We Can Learn to Build a World from Herodotus (эссе)
  11. C. L. Clark. First Came the Word (эссе)
  12. Jeff Grubb. Hamster Trek: The Nature of Co-operative Creation (эссе)
  13. Kate Elliott. Building a Physical and Social Landscape (эссе)
  14. Andrea Stewart. Growing Your Worlds Organically: How to Build an Immersive World Your Audience Won’t Want to Leave (эссе)
  15. Rajan Khanna. Worldbreathing and the Importance of Space (эссе)
  16. Tobias S. Buckell. Deep Time on Middle-Earth: Layering in Time and Change for More Effective Worldbuilding (эссе)
  17. Gail Simone. The Topography of Verisimilitude, or, What Walt Disney Taught Me About Worldbuilding (эссе)
  18. Shanna Germain. Break the World to Make the World: Eschewing History and Cultural Norms to Create Unique Settings (эссе)
  19. Veronica Roth. Revel in Revelations: Worldbuild Efficiently with Fictional Religions (эссе)

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