Where Nightmares Come From ...

«Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
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Where Nightmares Come From: The Art of Storytelling in the Horror Genre

первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Составители: ,

Ponce De Leon (FL): Crystal Lake Publishing, 2017 г. (октябрь)

Серия: The Dream Weaver Books on Writing Fiction

ISBN: 1-64007-468-6, 978-1-64007-468-2

Тип обложки: мягкая

Страниц: 368


Articles and interviews about the art of storytelling in the Horror genre.


  1. William F. Nolan. Introduction: The Spooky Arts (статья)
  2. Joe R. Lansdale. It's the Story Teller (эссе)
  3. Clive Barker. A-Z of Horror (эссе)
  4. Mark A. Miller. Why Horror? (эссе)
  5. Michael Paul Gonzalez. Pixelated Shadows: Urban Lore and the Rise of Creepypasta (эссе)
  6. Ray Garton. Like Curses (эссе)
  7. S. G. Browne. How To Get Your Scare On (эссе)
  8. Richard Thomas. Storytelling Techniques (эссе)
  9. Tim Waggoner. Horror Is a State of Mind (эссе)
  10. Mercedes M. Yardley. Bringing an Idea to Life (эссе)
  11. Ramsey Campbell. The Process of a Tale (эссе)
  12. Michael Bailey. Great Horror Is Something Alien (эссе)
  13. Taylor Grant. A Horrifically Happy Medium (эссе)
  14. John Connolly, Marie O'Regan. Interview With John Connolly (интервью)
  15. Mort Castle. The Story of a Story (эссе)
  16. Christopher Golden, Kevin J. Anderson, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Eugene Johnson, John Palisano. Novel Roundtable Interviews (интервью)
  17. Stephanie M. Wytovich. How I Spent My Childhood Looking for Monsters and Found Poetry Instead (эссе)
  18. Jonathan Maberry, Eugene Johnson. Bits and Pieces: Interview with Jonathan Maberry (интервью)
  19. Lisa Morton. The Reel Creeps (эссе)
  20. Jess Landry. The Monster Squad (эссе)
  21. Marv Wolfman. What Scares You (эссе)
  22. Elizabeth Massie. Playing in Someone Else's Haunted House (статья)
  23. Tom Holland, Amber Benson, Fred Dekker, Kevin Tenney, Del Howison. Creating Magic From A Blank Piece Of Paper: Del Howison Interviews Tom Holland, Amber Benson, Fred Dekker, And Kevin Tenney (интервью)
  24. Craig Engler. Z Nation: How Syfy's Hit Show Came to Life (эссе)
  25. Jason V. Brock. Life Imitating Art Imitating Life: Film and Its Influence on Reality (эссе)
  26. Stephen King, Richard Chizmar, Bev Vincent. Stephen King And Richard Chizmar Discuss Collaborating (интервью)
  27. Charlaine Harris, Eugene Johnson. Charlaine Harris Discusses Storytelling (интервью)
  28. John Palisano. What Now? (эссе)

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