Sky Birds June 1932

«Sky Birds, June 1932»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Sky Birds, June 1932

Язык издания: английский

1932 г.

Страниц: 128


Cover art by Frank Tinsley


  1. Donald E. Keyhoe. Devildog Doom (повесть), p. 6
  2. Frank Tinsley. Famous War-Time Planes: The Brandenburger and the Westland Wagtail (колонка), p. 32
  3. Joe Archibald. School Daze (рассказ), p. 33
  4. Don’t Miss These Fiction Aces! (заметка), p. 44
  5. Arch Whitehouse. War Skies of Shanghai (рассказ), p. 45
  6. E. W. Chess. The Scarlet Circle (рассказ), p. 65
  7. Get a Pair of Wings Free! (competition), p. 73
  8. Arthur J. Burks. The Spy Who Died (рассказ), p. 74
  9. William E. Poindexter. The Old Hawk’s Son (рассказ), p. 96
  10. Tune in on Sky Birds on Your Radio! (заметка), p. 107
  11. Modern Planes of All Nations (статья), p. 108
  12. Unfinished Ships Contest No. 8 (competition), p. 114
  13. Arch Whitehouse. ’Plane Dope (колонка), p. 116
  14. Up the Runway in the Next Sky Birds! (заметка), p. 120
  15. The Readers. Ailerons (колонка писем), p. 121

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