David Foster Wallace «The David Foster Wallace Reader»
- David Foster Wallace. The Planet Trillaphon as it Stands in Relation to the Bad Thing (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. The Broom of the System (отрывок из романа)
- Girl with Curious Hair
- David Foster Wallace. Little Expressionless Animals (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. My Appearance (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. Infinite Jest (отрывки из романа)
- Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
- David Foster Wallace. A Radically Condensed History of Postindustrial Life (микрорассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. Brief Interviews with Hideous Men [#14, #15, #11, #3, #30, #31, #36] (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. Brief Interviews with Hideous Men [#40, #42, #2, #48, #51, #19, #46] (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. Forever Overhead (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. The Depressed Person (рассказ)
- Oblivion
- David Foster Wallace. Good Old Neon (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. Incarnations of Burned Children (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. The Suffering Channel (рассказ)
- David Foster Wallace. The Pale King (отрывки из романа)
- David Foster Wallace. Something to Do with Paying Attention (повесть)
- David Foster Wallace. Derivative Sport in Tornado Alley (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. E Unibus Pluram: Television and U.S. Fiction (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. Getting Away from Already Being Pretty Much Away from It All (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. The Nature of the Fun (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. Some Remarks on Kafka's Funniness from Which Probably Not Enough Has Been Removed (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. Authority and American Usage (рецензия)
- David Foster Wallace. The View from Mrs. Thompson's (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. Consider the Lobster (эссе)
- David Foster Wallace. Federer Both Flesh and Not (эссе)