Anne McCaffrey s The Unicorn ...

«Anne McCaffrey's The Unicorn Girl: The Illustrated Adventures»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


Anne McCaffrey's The Unicorn Girl: The Illustrated Adventures

первое издание

Язык издания: английский

Составитель: не указан

New York: HarperPrism, 1997 г. (декабрь)

ISBN: 0-06-105540-9, 978-0-06-105540-9

Тип обложки: твёрдая

Страниц: 136


Anthology in the «Acorna» series.

Cover art by John Ennis.


  1. Mickey Zucker Reichert. Trouble in Kezdet (повесть, иллюстрации Р. Клайна, Г. Хаймбаха, Дж. К. Ортис, А. Рабиновица, Дж. Риджуэя), p. 7
  2. Excerpts from The Traveler's Companion: A Catalogue of Known Worlds by Lyman Frakoss, p. 102
  3. Jody Lynn Nye. Pony Girl (рассказ, иллюстрации Дж. Риджуэя), p. 106
  4. Roman A. Ranieri. Acorna's Serum (рассказ, иллюстрации Дж. Риджуэя), p. 118
  5. Acorna The Unicorn Girl: Biographic, p. 128


Interior art by Robin Cline, Gale Heimbach, J. C. Ortiz, Alan Rabinowitz, John Ridgway.

The table of contents refers to one illustrator as «John Ridgeway», but the title pages each credit him with the correct spelling of his name, «John Ridgway».

The table of contents refers to one author as «Roman R. Ranieri», but the cover and the story title page correctly credit him as «Roman A. Ranieri».

The «Biographic» is a collection of short biographies and paintings of 6 characters from the Acorna universe. The artist for this is not credited, but is presumably one of the artists credited elsewhere here.

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