«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1972»
Язык издания: английский
1972 г. (декабрь)
Формат: 80х108/32 (130х190 мм)
Страниц: 164
- Hal R. Moore. Doctor Dominoe's Dancing Doll (novelet), р. 4-31
- Donald Moffitt. The Man Who Was Beethoven (short story), р. 32-38
- Joanna Russ. Books (review), р. 39-45
- Joseph Green. A Custom of the Children of Life (short story), р. 46-59
- Ron Goulart. Canned Heat (short story), р. 60-73
- Baird Searles. Films: The Minority Vampire (essay), р. 74-76
- L. Sprague de Camp. Books That Never Were (article), р. 78-85
- Raylyn Moore. Lobster Trick (short story), р. 86-98
- Bruce McAllister. Triangle (short story), р. 99-110
- Isaac Asimov. The Clock in the Sky (essay), р. 111-120
- Keith Laumer. The Garbage Invasion (novelet), р. 121-150
- John Christopher. Specimen (short story), р. 151-161
- Index to Volume Forty-Three — July-December 1972, р. 162
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