Isaac Asimov s Science ...

«Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1979»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April 1979

Язык издания: английский

1979 г. (апрель)

Страниц: 196



  1. Isaac Asimov. Editorial: The Articles of SF (статья, иллюстрации К. Фриса), p. 6-11
  2. On Books, p. 12-16
    1. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke (рецензия)
    2. Charles N. Brown. Review: Titan by John Varley (рецензия)
    3. Charles N. Brown. Review: Catacomb Years by Michael Bishop (рецензия)
    4. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Palace by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro (рецензия)
    5. Charles N. Brown. Review: Tomorrow and Beyond by Ian Summers (рецензия)
    6. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Fantastic Art of Boris Vallejo by Boris Vallejo (рецензия)
    7. Charles N. Brown. Review: The Third Book of Virgil Finlay by Virgil Finlay (рецензия)
    8. Charles N. Brown. Review: Wall of Serpents by L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt (рецензия)
    9. Charles N. Brown. Review: What Mad Universe by Fredric Brown (рецензия)
    10. Charles N. Brown. Review: The King of Terrors by Robert Bloch (рецензия)
    11. Charles N. Brown. Review: Angels of Darkness by Cornell Woolrich (рецензия)
    12. Charles N. Brown. Review: Norgil the Magician by Maxwell Grant (рецензия)
    13. Charles N. Brown. Review: Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction, Numbers 1-8 by Peter Nicholls (рецензия)
    14. Charles N. Brown. Review: Extrapolation: A Science Fiction Newsletter by Thomas D. Clareson (рецензия)
    15. Charles N. Brown. Review: Locus: The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field by Charles N. Brown and Dena Brown (рецензия)
    16. Charles N. Brown. Review: Science Fiction Studies, Second Series: Selected Articles on Science Fiction 1976-1977 by R. D. Mullen (рецензия)
  3. D. C. Poyer. Heat Wave (рассказ, иллюстрации К. Кофоеда), p. 21-39
  4. Martin Gardner. The Three Robots of Professor Tinker (микрорассказ), p. 40
  5. Peter Payack. The Origins of the Material World (стихотворение), p. 41-42
  6. Ginger Kaderabek. Jack Gaughan (статья, иллюстрации Д. Гоэна), p. 43-50
  7. First Solution to The Three Robots of Professor Tinker, p. 51
  8. John M. Ford. Double in Brass (рассказ, иллюстрации К. Фриса), p. 52-76
  9. A Second Solution to The Three Robots of Professor Tinker, p. 77
  10. Robert Karl Bohm. Twisting the Unicorn's Tale (рассказ, иллюстрации Б. Тримбл), p. 78-82
  11. Erwin S. Strauss. The SF Conventional Calendar (заметка), p. 83
  12. Eric Loranger. This Isn't the Way We Did It in Rehearsal (рассказ), p. 84-85
  13. Margaret St. Clair. Places to Crawl Through (рассказ, иллюстрации Д. Картер), p. 86-93
  14. Isaac Asimov. Point of View (рассказ, иллюстрации Ф. Борта), p. 94-97
  15. Lowell A. Bangerter. The Fall of the Eisenstein (рассказ), p. 98-99
  16. John M. Ford. On Tabletop Universes (статья, иллюстрации Дж. Барра), p. 100-111
  17. A Third Solution to The Three Robots of Professor Tinker, p. 111
  18. Randall Garrett. The Napoli Express (повесть, иллюстрации Д. Гоэна), p. 112-179
  19. Peter Payack. Wide Open Spaces (стихотворение), p. 179
  20. Letters (письма), p. 180-190
    1. Kay Gee. "Dear Mr. Scithers, I've just finished reading..." (письмо), p. 180
    2. Sid Brosard. "Dear Mr. Scithers, as fans have discovered..." (письмо), p. 180
    3. Patrick Gilliland. "Dear Dr. Asimov: I would like to praise the cover art..." (письмо), p. 181
    4. Julie A. Sanders. "Dear Dr. Asimov: I must say I really enjoyed your editorial..." (письмо), p. 181-182
    5. Terri Anne Crabb. "Greetings! I bought the first issue of this magazine..." (письмо), p. 182-183
    6. Gari Helfrich. "Dear Mr. Scithers, Congratulations on your well deserved Hugo!" (письмо), p. 183-184
    7. John Hall. "Dear George: The Nov/Dec issue seems to have been your best yet..." (письмо), p. 184
    8. Donald Robertson. "Dear Mr. Scithers and Dr. Asimov..." (письмо), p. 185
    9. Cynthia Laspisa. "Dear Dr. Asimov, I have been a fan of yours..." (письмо), p. 186
    10. Ed Brady. "Dear Mr. Scithers and Dr. Asimov..." (письмо), p. 187
    11. Stephen Fleming. "Dear Dr. Asimov, Let's hear it for the power..." (письмо), p. 188
    12. John G. Glascock. "Dear Dr. Asimov: The year was 1930..." (письмо), p. 188-189
    13. David C. Merkel. "Der Mr. Scithers, pursuant to my policy of commenting..." (письмо), p. 189-190

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