Robert E. Howard «Post Oaks & Sand Roughs»
Robert E. Howard
Post Oaks & Sand Roughs
авторская книга, первое издание
Язык издания: английский
Hampton Falls (NH): Donald M. Grant, 1990 г.
Тираж: 850 экз.
ISBN: 0-937986-93-3, 978-0-937986-93-6
Тип обложки:
+ суперобложка
Страниц: 176
Единственное издание полуавтобиографического романа Роберта Говарда.
Обложка: Phil Hale.
- Glenn Lord. Introduction
- Robert E. Howard. Post Oaks and Sand Roughs
- Letter to WESTERN STORY, ca. late fall 1924,
«— And I am not one of those writers . . .»
Brief excerpt only, the letter is presumably lost.
- Letter to Herbert Klatt, ca. Fall 1925,
«Bohut salaam, bahadur: / Again I write you, . . .»
The letter is paraphrased on page 79.
- Appendices:
- Letter from Farnsworth Wright
- Letter to Farnsworth Wright, January 23, 1926
- Robert E. Howard. «I have no carbon copy of Wolfshead . . .»
- Robert E. Howard. Dula Due to be Champion
- Letter from G.W. McWilliams
- Copy of collaboration agreeement for revision of "West of the Rio Grande" by R. Fowler Gafford
- Rejection letter from Albert and Charles Boni, Inc.
- Rejection letter from Dodd, Mead and Co.
- Robert E. Howard. The Seven-Up Ballad