The Magazine of Fantasy ...

«The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1993»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, December 1993

Язык издания: английский

1993 г. (декабрь)

Страниц: 164


Cover art by Jacek Yerka. Interior illustrations — Joseph Farris, Arthur Masear, Henry Martin.


  1. Kristine Kathryn Rusch. Editorial (эссе), p. 6
  2. Valerie J. Freireich. Testament (рассказ), p. 8
  3. Books: Forward into the Past
    1. John Kessel. The Year's Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection by Gardner Dozois (рецензия), p. 38
    2. John Kessel. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction by John Clute and Peter Nicholls (рецензия), p. 44
  4. Books to Look For
    1. Orson Scott Card. Review: Jumper by Steven Gould (рецензия), p. 48
    2. Orson Scott Card. Review: Ruler of the Sky by Pamela Sargent (рецензия), p. 49
    3. Orson Scott Card. Review: The Elementals by Morgan Llywelyn (рецензия), p. 51
    4. Orson Scott Card. Review: Ring of Swords by Eleanor Arnason (рецензия), p. 52
  5. Richard Bowes. A Beggar at the Bridge (рассказ), p. 54
  6. Kit Reed. The Last Resort (рассказ), p. 70
  7. Cartoon: "'Surf and turf.' 'Same.'", p. 82
  8. Harlan Ellison. Susan (рассказ), p. 83
  9. Cartoon: no caption, p. 86
  10. Ron Savage. Piano Pony (рассказ), p. 87
  11. Gregory Benford. Aliens We Can Know (эссе), p. 105
  12. Cartoon: "So much for your untouched by modern civilization theory.", p. 116
  13. Laurel Winter. The Negotiator (рассказ), p. 117
  14. Eric T. Baker. Faith and Friendship in the Pre-Atomic Age (рассказ), p. 127
  15. Cartoon: "Wow! I won a $275 jackpot while I was alive and now this!", p. 143
  16. Jack Williamson. The Litlins (рассказ), p. 144
  17. F&SF Competition: Report on Competition 59, p. 158
  18. Index to Volume 85, July-December 1993, p. 161
  19. Coming Attractions (F&SF, December 1993), p. 162

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