Emily Dickinson «The Letters of Emily Dickinson. Volume II»
- Emily Dickinson. Letters (письма)
- V. “To live, and die, and mount again in triumphant body... is no schoolboy’s theme!” Letters 177-186 [1855-1857], p. 313
- VI. “Much has occurred... so much — that I stagger as 1 write, in its sharp remembrance.” Letters 187-245 [1858-1861], p. 331
- VII. “Perhaps you smile at me. 1 could not stop for that — My Business is Circumference.” Letters 246-313 [1862-1865], p. 387
- VIII. “A Letter always feels to me like immortality because it is the mind alone without corporeal friend.” Letters 314-337 [1866-1869], p. 447
- IX. “I find ecstasy in living — the mere sense of living is joy enough.” Letters 338-431 [1870-1874], p. 467
- X. “Nature is a Haunted House — but Art - a House that tries to be haunted.” Letters 432-626 [1875-1879], p. 535