«The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1954»
Язык издания: английский
1954 г.
Формат: другой
Страниц: 128
- Robert Abernathy. The Fishers (novelet), р. 3-37
- Charles Webb. Special Talent (short story), р. 38-42
- Saki. The Seventh Pullet (short story), р. 43-48
- Edward Lee. Kalato (short story), р. 49-62
- Gordon R. Dickson. A Case History (short story), р. 63-67
- R. J. P. Hewison. Genius (poem), р. 67
- François Augustin Paradis de Moncrif. The Cat, the Brahmin and the Penitent (short story, перевод R. Bretnor), р. 68-70
- William Morrison. The Ardent Soul (short story, иллюстрации Э. Эмшвиллера), р. 71-83
- Robert Sherman Townes. Time and Place (short story), р. 84-88
- The Editor. Recommended Reading (a department), р. 89-93
- Glen Henexson. Wish for the Moon (short story), р. 94-98
- Philip José Farmer. Totem and Taboo (short story), р. 99-104
- Philip K. Dick. The Father-Thing (short story), р. 105-115
- John Novotny. The Bourbon Lake (short story), р. 116-127
- Winona McClintic. The Wife's Return (poem), р. 127
- Index to Volume Seven — July 1954—December 1954, р. 128