Conor Reid «The Science and Fiction of Edgar Rice Burrough»
A comprehensive scholarly analysis of the science and science fiction aspects of Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Cover art not credited.
- Conor Reid. The Science and Fiction of Edgar Rice Burrough (монография)
- Acknowledgements, c. vii-vii
- Abbreviations, c. x-xii
- List of Illustrations, c. xiii-xiii
- Introduction. Edgar Rice Burroughs: ‘The nation’s sixth largest industry’, с. 1-33
- 1. ‘To glimpse, in some sort, our future’: Mars, Evolution and Barsoom, с. 35-65
- 2: ‘Nothing is impossible to science’: Eugenics, Utopia and the Amtor Series, с. 67-103
- 3. Tarzan of the Anthropologists, с. 105-147
- 4. Neurasthenia: A Peculiarly American Disease, с. 149-192
- 5. ‘Nature’s natural state’: War and Evolutionary Narratives, с. 193-227
- Notes, с. 229-237
- Works Cited, с. 239-259
- Index, с. 261-269
Размер книги: 13,8х21,5 см.
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