Robert E. Howard «Post Oaks and Sand Roughs & Other Autobiographical Writings»
- Rusty Burke. Too Much Like Life (статья)
- Autobiography:
- Robert E. Howard. The Wandering Years (произведение (прочее))
- Robert E. Howard. An Autobiography (произведение (прочее))
- Robert E. Howard. What I Did to Help Win the War (эссе)
- Robert E. Howard. In His Own Image (статья)
- Robert E. Howard. Some People Who Have Had Influence Over Me (статья)
- Robert E. Howard. A Touch of Trivia (произведение (прочее))
- Robert E. Howard. To A Man Whose Name I Never Knew (микрорассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. The Galveston Affair (микрорассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. The Beast From the Abyss (эссе)
- Autobiographical Fiction:
- Robert E. Howard. Untitled Play («A typical small town drugstore...») (пьеса)
- Robert E. Howard. Spanish Gold on Devil Horse (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. Post Oaks and Sand Roughs (роман)
- Robert E. Howard. Sunday in a Small Town (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. Ambition in the Moonlight (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. Musings of a Moron (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. Irony (пьеса)
- Miscellanea:
- Robert E. Howard. What I Did in Vacation (эссе)
- Robert E. Howard. What My Signature Means to Me (эссе)
- Robert E. Howard. The Recalcitrant (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. Untitled Story («Mike Costigan, writer and self-avowed...») (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. The Splendid Brute (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. The Paradox (рассказ)
- Robert E. Howard. The Ivory Camel (рассказ)
- Drafts:
- Robert E. Howard. Spanish Gold on Devil Horse (рассказ) (early draft)
- Robert E. Howard. Post Oaks and Sand Roughs (роман) (early draft)
- Appendix 1: Post Oaks Documents:
- Robert E. Howard. The Seven-Up Ballad (стихотворение)
- Robert E. Howard. Dula Due to Be Champion (статья)
- Robert E. Howard. Letters from Mom (произведение (прочее))
- Unsigned Contract
- Appendix 2: Autobiographical Letters:
- Robert E. Howard. Letter to Argosy All-Story Weekly (произведение (прочее))
- Robert E. Howard. Letter to Farnsworth Wright (произведение (прочее))
- Robert E. Howard. Letter to Wilfred Blanch Talman (произведение (прочее))
- Robert E. Howard. Letter to Dime Sports (произведение (прочее))
- Appendix 3: Uncollected Letters from Dr. I. M. Howard:
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, July 11, 1936 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to G. H. Sherman, September 30, 1936 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to Ray Teague, October 13, 1936 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to American Indemnity, November 10, 1936 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to Otis A. Kline, January 20, 1940 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, March 8, 1943 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, October 25, 1943 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, December 28, 1943 (произведение (прочее))
- Isaac Mordecai Howard. Letter to E. Hoffmann Price, September 8, 1944 (произведение (прочее))
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