Nightmare Issue 63 ...

«Nightmare, Issue 63, December 2017»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Nightmare, Issue 63, December 2017

электронное издание

Язык издания: английский

2017 г. (декабрь)


Cover art by Breakermaximus.


  1. From the Editor
    1. John Joseph Adams. Editorial: December 2017
  2. Fiction
    1. Nino Cipri. Which Super Little Dead Girl™ Are You? Take Our Quiz and Find Out! (рассказ)
    2. Tamsyn Muir. The Woman in the Hill (рассказ)
    3. Matthew Kressel. Will You Meet Me There, Out Beyond the Bend? (рассказ)
    4. Lisa Morton. Poppi's Monster (рассказ)
  3. Nonfiction
    1. Paul Jessup. The H Word: Someone Changed the Bones in Our Homes (эссе)
    2. Adam-Troy Castro. Movie Review: Mother! (рецензия)
  4. Author Spotlights
    1. Kevin McNeil, Nino Cipri. Author Spotlight: Nino Cipri (интервью)
    2. Erika Holt, Matthew Kressel. Author Spotlight: Matthew Kressel (интервью)
  5. Miscellany
    1. Coming Attractions
    2. Stay Connected
    3. Subscriptions and Ebooks
    4. About the Nightmare Team
    5. Also Edited by John Joseph Adams

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