Nightmare Issue 45 June ...

«Nightmare, Issue 45, June 2016»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Nightmare, Issue 45, June 2016

электронное издание

Язык издания: английский

2016 г. (июнь)


Cover art by Jeffrey Collingwood.


  1. From the Editor
    1. John Joseph Adams. Editorial
  2. Fiction
    1. David Tallerman. Great Black Wave (рассказ)
    2. Lucy Taylor. Things of Which We Do Not Speak (рассказ)
    3. Marc Laidlaw. The Finest, Fullest Flowering (рассказ)
    4. Rena Mason. Ruminations (рассказ)
  3. Nonfiction
    1. Dale Bailey. The H Word: Monsters and Metaphors (эссе)
    2. David Barr Kirtley, Joyce Carol Oates. Interview: Joyce Carol Oates (интервью)
  4. Author Spotlights
    1. E. C. Myers, David Tallerman. Author Spotlight: David Tallerman (интервью)
    2. Lisa Nohealani Morton, Lucy Taylor. Author Spotlight: Lucy Taylor (интервью)
    3. Jude Griffin, Marc Laidlaw. Author Spotlight: Marc Laidlaw (интервью)
    4. Sandra Odell, Rena Mason. Author Spotlight: Rena Mason (интервью)
  5. Miscellany
    1. Coming Attractions
    2. Stay Connected
    3. Subscriptions and Ebooks
    4. About the Nightmare Team
    5. Also Edited by John Joseph Adams

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