Nightmare Issue 41 ...

«Nightmare, Issue 41, February 2016»

Все издания:РЕКЛАМА 18+


Nightmare, Issue 41, February 2016

электронное издание

Язык издания: английский

2016 г. (февраль)


Cover art by Steven Stahlberg.


  1. From the Editor
    1. John Joseph Adams. Editorial, February 2016
  2. Fiction
    1. Rose Hartley. No Other Men in Mitchell (рассказ)
    2. Seanan McGuire. Inspirations (рассказ)
    3. Dennis Etchison. Princess (рассказ)
    4. Adam L. G. Nevill. Where Angels Come In (рассказ)
  3. Novel Excerpts
    1. Kaitlin Ward. Bleeding Earth (роман) (отрывок)
  4. Nonfiction
    1. Alison Littlewood. The H Word: Fairy Tales: The Original Horror Stories? (эссе)
    2. Marina J. Lostetter. Artist Showcase: Steven Stahlberg (интервью)
    3. David Barr Kirtley, David Mitchell. Interview: David Mitchell (интервью)
  5. Author Spotlights
    1. E. C. Myers, Rose Hartley. Author Spotlight: Rose Hartley (интервью)
    2. Lisa Nohealani Morton, Seanan McGuire. Author Spotlight: Seanan McGuire (интервью)
    3. Erika Holt, Dennis Etchison. Author Spotlight: Dennis Etchison (интервью)
    4. Robyn Lupo, Adam L. G. Nevill. Author Spotlight: Adam L.G. Nevill (интервью)
  6. Miscellany
    1. Coming Attractions
    2. Stay Connected
    3. Subscriptions and Ebooks
    4. About the Nightmare Team
    5. Also Edited by John Joseph Adams

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