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«Foundation: The Review Of Science Fiction #110 Winter 2010»

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Foundation: The Review Of Science Fiction #110 Winter 2010

Язык издания: английский

2010 г.

Тираж: не указан

Страниц: 110


Volume 39

Cover: The Prometheus Plume. Image courtesy of Gallileo Project, JPL, NASA


    1. Graham Sleight. Editorial (эссе), p. 5
    2. Debbie Challis. SF Egypt — Time Travel in the Petrie Museum (статья), p. 6-17
    1. Marilyn Jurich. Female Messiahs in Two Apocalyptic Novels: Satan In Goray by Isaac Bashevis Singer and Blindness by Jose Saramago (статья), p. 18-37
    2. Mariano Martín Rodríguez. Science Fiction as Mainstream Literature: The Spanish Scientific Romance and Its Reception before The Spanish Civil War (статья), p. 38-59
    3. Dominik Grace. The Anti-Heinleinian Hero of The Last Canadian (статья), p. 60-72
    4. Tom Sykes. Ideascape: how the British new wave of science fiction addresses the social, political and intellectual themes of the 1960s and 1970s (статья), p. 73-79
    5. James O'Sullivan. Collective Consciousness in Science Fiction (статья), p. 80-85
    1. Iain Emsley. The Dervish House by Ian McDonald (рецензия), p. 86-88
    2. Andy Sawyer. The Quantum Thief by Hanu Rajaniemi (рецензия), p. 89-91
    3. Michelle Yost. The Unincorporated War by Dani & Eytan Kollin (рецензия), p. 92-94
    4. Sue Thomason. How to Live Safely in a Science Fiction Universe bu Charles Yu (рецензия), p. 95-96
    5. Cyril Simsa. The Dreaming Sex: Early Talse of Scientific Imagination by Women edited by Mike Ashley (рецензия), p. 97-100
    6. Glyn Morgan. This Shared Dream by Kathleen Ann Goonan (рецензия), p. 101-107

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