Boris Vallejo, Julie Bell «Dreamland»
Описание: Иллюстрация на обложке и внутренние иллюстрации Б. Вальехо и Д. Белл. Содержание:
Примечание: Размер книги: 22,5х28,5 см. К альбому приложен конверт с 10 репродукциями работ художников, формата А4.
Featuring muscle-bound heroes, fierce dragons and dazzlingly beautiful women in fantastical, otherworldly landscapes, their work is unrivalled in its field. The A4 size 192-page hardcover artbook is filled with more than 150 paintings, mostly printed one on each page with a few over two pages. Most paintings are in portrait format and fit nicely within the page. Also included in the book is a set of limited-edition art prints, beautifully packaged in an envelope at the back of the book.