Frederik Pohl Frederik Pohl ...

Frederik Pohl, Frederik Pohl IV «Science Fiction: Studies in Film»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

, Frederik Pohl IV

Science Fiction: Studies in Film

авторская книга, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

New York: Ace Books, 1981 г. (январь)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-441-75437-6

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 346


A review of the good and bad in science fiction films.

Cover art not credited and there is no visible signature on cover.

Illustrated with photographs and stills, most from the collection of Forrest J. Ackerman.


  1. Frederik Pohl, Frederik Pohl IV. Science Fiction: Studies in Film (монография)

    1. Frederik Pohl. Introduction 1: Sci-Fi and SF: Exploring the Bright Continent, c. 7-15
    2. Frederik Pohl IV. Introduction 2: Catching Up, c. 17-19
    3. Chapter 1. From Méliés to Metropolis: the Silents, c. 23-50
    4. Chapter 2. Imagining Things: The Thirties, c. 51-90
    5. Chapter 3. The Fearful and Fecund Fifties, c. 91-154
    6. Chapter 4. Dr. Kubrick’s Clockwork Odyssey, c. 155-182
    7. Chapter 5. Reeling Around the World, 1964-1972, c. 183-220
    8. Chapter 6. Tooling Up the Big Bang, 1973-1976, c. 221-244
    9. Chapter 7. Hyperspace, Hyper-Grosses, Hype, c. 245-298
    10. Chapter 8. Toward a More Nearly Perfect Science Fiction Film, c. 299-311
    11. Appendix. Effex in Esseff, c. 313-346


Размер книги: 13,3х20,8 см.

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