Dieter Wuckel Bruce Cassiday ...

Dieter Wuckel, Bruce Cassiday «The Illustrated History of Science Fiction»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:


The Illustrated History of Science Fiction

Язык издания: английский

Leipzig: Edition Leipzig, 1989 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 3-361-00225-7

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 260


Originally published as a German language title: adapted for the US market Dieter Wuckel's Science Fiction: eine illustrierte literaturgeschichte (1986; trans Jenny Vowles as The Illustrated History of Science Fiction 1989).

Lots of black-and-white illustrations of authors, books, magazines, and movies. Heavy emphasis on European authors and science fiction. Several paperback covers are present.

Cover is a still from the film «Metropolis».


  1. Bruce Cassiday, Dieter Wuckel. The Illustrated History of Science Fiction (энциклопедия/справочник, перевод Д. Воулс)

    1. Preface, c. vii-viii
    2. Beginnings
      1. Science Fiction or Scientific Fantasy: What Is It?, c. 1-6
      2. Classic Social Utopias and Fantasies, c. 6-26
    3. The Industrial Revolution and Its Reflection in Fantasy
      1. Animal Magnetism, Monsters, and Automatons, c. 27-40
      2. Jules Verne and His “Voyages Extraordinaires”, c. 40-51
      3. The Giant of Science Fiction: H.G. Wells, c. 51-64
      4. The Revival of Social Utopian Literature, c. 65-70
      5. Technological Fantasy and Planet Stories, c. 70-81
      6. The Descent into the Trivial, c. 81-87
    4. The Growth of Science Fiction After World War I
      1. Dreams of World Revolution and the “Fantasy of the Near Future”: Soviet Science Fiction Between 1917 and 1956, c. 88-101
      2. Hugo Gernsback and After: Anglo-American Science Fiction to the 1950s, c. 102-128
      3. Robots, Warnings, and Rockets: European Science Fiction between 1918 and 1955, c. 129-152
    5. Science Fiction in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
      1. The Increasing Internationalization of Modern Science Fiction, c. 153-155
      2. The Science Fiction of the Socialist Countries, c. 156-186
      3. The Americanization of Western Science Fiction, c. 187-216
    6. Themes, Subjects, and Motifs in Modern Science Fiction
      1. [In science fiction...], c. 217-220
      2. Self-Knowledge and Human Nature, c. 220-223
      3. The Individual and Society, c. 223-225
      4. The Individual and Technology, c. 225-228
      5. People and Time, c. 228-231
      6. People and Space, c. 232-236
      7. Humans and Aliens, c. 236-240
    7. Conclusion, c. 241-242
    8. Appendix
      1. Notes, c. 243-248
      2. Bibliography, c. 249-250
      3. Acknowledgments, c. 251-251


Размер книги: 21х27,5 см.

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