John Grant Elizabeth ...

John Grant, Elizabeth Humphrey, Pamela D. Scoville «The Chesley Awards for Science Fiction and Fantasy Art: A Retrospective»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
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The Chesley Awards for Science Fiction and Fantasy Art: A Retrospective

иллюстрированный альбом, первое издание

Язык издания: английский

London: Artist's and Photographers' Press, 2003 г. (октябрь)

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 1-904332-10-2

Тип обложки: твёрдая + суперобложка

Формат: другой

Страниц: 192


Book is an immaculate, amazingly inclusive celebration of nearly two decades of Chesley award-winning art, painstakingly gathered and faithfully reproduced.

Main cover image is the Charles de Lint cover art to Forest House by John Jude Palencar, along the left side of the cover are four images:

1. «Cleopatra 2000» by Richard Bober

2. «The Silently Moving People» by Joy Marie Ledet

3. «The Howling Stones» by Bob Eggleton

4. «Saturn as seen from Titan» (from The Conquest of Space) by Chesley Bonestall.

Full list of over 300 works can be found here:


  1. John Grant, Elizabeth Humphrey with Pamela D. Scoville. The Chesley Awards for Science Fiction & Fantasy Art: A Retrospective

    1. Ron Miller. Foreword (статья), c. 6-8
    2. Elizabeth Humphrey. Introduction, c. 9-12
    3. Acknowledgements, c. 12-12
    4. The Chesley Awards [from 1st 1985 to 17th 2002], c. 13-178
    5. Biographical Sketches of Artists Represented in this Book, c. 179-183
    6. Chesley Awards Nominations, c. 184-190
    7. Index of Artists and Works, c. 191-192


Размер книги: 25х28,5 см.

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