Премия Лямбда 2017
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Лямбда / Lambda Award
Место проведения:
30th Annual Lambda Literary Awards Ceremony
Дата проведения:
4 июня 2018 г.
Научная фантастика, фэнтези и хоррор
Аннали Ньюиц "Автономность"
Annalee Newitz "Autonomous"
Лара Элена Доннелли "Amberlough"
Lara Elena Donnelly "Amberlough"
Линдси Дрейджер "The Lost Daughter Collective"
Lindsey Drager "The Lost Daughter Collective"
Ники Дрэйден "The Prey of Gods"
Nicky Drayden "The Prey of Gods"
Оуэн Кинен "Night Visitors"
Owen Keehnen "Night Visitors"
Мэгги Шен Кинг "An Excess Male"
Maggie Shen King "An Excess Male"
Риверс Соломон "An Unkindness of Ghosts"
Rivers Solomon "An Unkindness of Ghosts"
Кристен Рингман "I Stole You: Stories from the Fae"
Kristen Ringman "I Stole You: Stories from the Fae"
Детектив на тему гомосексуализма
Ким Филдинг "Love Is Heartless"
Kim Fielding "Love Is Heartless"
К. С. По "The Mystery of the Curiosities"
C. S. Poe "The Mystery of the Curiosities"
Марк Ричард Забро "Ring of Silence"
Mark Richard Zubro "Ring of Silence"
Майкл Нава "Street People"
Michael Nava "Street People"
Рис Форд "Tramps and Thieves"
Rhys Ford "Tramps and Thieves"
Маршалл Торнтон "Night Drop"
Marshall Thornton "Night Drop"
Маршалл Торнтон "Gifts Given"
Marshall Thornton "Gifts Given"
Кейт Шервуд "Long Shadows"
Kate Sherwood "Long Shadows"
Детектив на лесбийскую тематику
Кэри Хантер "A Quiet Death"
Cari Hunter "A Quiet Death"
Эллен Харт "Fever in the Dark"
Ellen Hart "Fever in the Dark"
Дж. М. Редман "The Girl on the Edge of Summer"
J. M. Redmann "The Girl on the Edge of Summer"
Андреа Брэмхолл "The Last First Time"
Andrea Bramhall "The Last First Time"
Кейт Джессика Рафаэль "Murder Under the Fig Tree: A Palestine Mystery"
Kate Jessica Raphael "Murder Under the Fig Tree: A Palestine Mystery"
Анне Холт "Offline"
(перевод Anne Bruce)
Anne Holt "Offline"
Джессика Л. Уэбб "Repercussions"
Jessica L. Webb "Repercussions"
А. Е. Рэдли "Huntress"
A. E. Radley "Huntress"
Проза на бисексуальную тематику
Андреа Лоулор "Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl"
Andrea Lawlor "Paul Takes the Form of a Mortal Girl"
Проза на тему гомосексуализма
Ахмед Данни Рамадан "The Clothesline Swing"
Ahmad Danny Ramadan "The Clothesline Swing"
Проза на лесбийскую тематику
Роксана Гей "Difficult Women"
Roxane Gay "Difficult Women"
Ариэль Гор "We Were Witches"
Ariel Gore "We Were Witches"
Кармен Мария Мачадо "Её тело и другие"
Carmen Maria Machado "Her Body and Other Parties"
Чависа Вудс "Things to Do When You're Goth in the Country and Other Stories"
Chavisa Woods "Things to Do When You're Goth in the Country and Other Stories"
Трансгендерная литература
Тоби Хилл-Майер "Nerve Endings: The New Trans Erotic"
Tobi Hill-Meyer "Nerve Endings: The New Trans Erotic"
Боги Такач "Transcendent 2"
Bogi Takács "Transcendent 2: The Year's Best Transgender Speculative Fiction"
Джинн Торнтон "The Black Emerald"
Jeanne Thornton "The Black Emerald"
Детские и подростковые произведения
Эйприл Дэниелс "Dreadnought"
April Daniels "Dreadnought"
Романтический роман на лесбийскую тематику
Ёсиюки Ли "Venus and Lysander"
Yoshiyuki Ly "Venus and Lysander"
Графический роман
Эмиль Феррис "My Favorite Thing is Monsters"
Emil Ferris "My Favorite Thing is Monsters"
Эрик Костюк Уильямс "Condo Heartbreak Disco"
Eric Kostiuk Williams "Condo Heartbreak Disco"
Кэт Фитцпатрик, Кейси Плетт "Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers"
Cat Fitzpatrick, Casey Plett "Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers"
Джоамет Джил "Power & Magic: The Queer Witch Comics Anthology"
Joamette Gil "Power & Magic: The Queer Witch Comics Anthology"
Стив Берман "His Seed: An Arboretum of Erotica"
Steve Berman "His Seed: An Arboretum of Erotica"
(Сакки Грин)
Конни Уилкинс "Witches, Princesses, and Women at Arms: Erotic Lesbian Fairy Tales"
Sacchi Green "Witches, Princesses, and Women at Arms: Erotic Lesbian Fairy Tales"
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