Мифопоэтическая премия за произведение для взрослых
Теодора Госс "Snow White Learns Witchcraft"
Theodora Goss "Snow White Learns Witchcraft"
Ф. Джели Кларк "Дух трамвая 015"
P. Djèlí Clark "The Haunting of Tram Car 015"
Аликс Э. Харроу "Десять тысяч дверей"
Alix E. Harrow "The Ten Thousand Doors of January"
Джо Уолтон "Lent"
Jo Walton "Lent"
Г. Уиллоу Уилсон "The Bird King"
G. Willow Wilson "The Bird King"
Мифопоэтическая премия за произведение для детей и подростков
Юн Ха Ли "Dragon Pearl"
Yoon Ha Lee "Dragon Pearl"
Эрин Энтрада Келли "Lalani of the Distant Sea"
Erin Entrada Kelly "Lalani of the Distant Sea"
Хилари Маккей "The Time of Green Magic"
Hilary McKay "The Time of Green Magic"
Сюзанн Нельсон "A Tale Magnolious"
Suzanne Nelson "A Tale Magnolious"
Анна Урсу "The Lost Girl"
Anne Ursu "The Lost Girl"
Мифопоэтическая премия за исследования мифологии и фэнтези
Джеймс Гиффорд "A Modernist Fantasy: Modernism, Anarchism, and the Radical Fantastic"
James Gifford "A Modernist Fantasy: Modernism, Anarchism, and the Radical Fantastic"
Мария Сачико Сесир "Re-Enchanted: The Rise of Children's Fantasy Literature in the Twentieth Century"
Maria Sachiko Cecire "Re-Enchanted: The Rise of Children’s Fantasy Literature in the Twentieth Century"
Чарул Палмер-Пател "The Shape of Fantasy: Investigating the Structure of American Heroic Epic Fantasy"
Charul Palmer-Patel "The Shape of Fantasy: Investigating the Structure of American Heroic Epic Fantasy"
Эбони Элизабет Томас "The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games"
Ebony Elizabeth Thomas "The Dark Fantastic: Race and the Imagination from Harry Potter to the Hunger Games"
Марк Дж. П. Вольф "The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds"
Mark J.P. Wolf "The Routledge Companion to Imaginary Worlds"
Исследования творчества Инклингов
Эми Амендт-Радюге "The Sweet and the Bitter: Death and Dying in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings"
Amy Amendt-Raduege "The Sweet and the Bitter: Death and Dying in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings"
Димитра Фими, Томас Хонеггер "Sub-Creating Arda: World-building in J. R. R. Tolkien's Work, Its Precursors and Its Legacies"
Dimitra Fimi, Thomas Honegger "Sub-Creating Arda: World-building in J. R. R. Tolkien's Work, Its Precursors and Its Legacies"
Майкл Партридж, Кристин Джеффри Джонсон "Informing the Inklings: George MacDonald and the Victorian Roots of Modern Fantasy"
Michael Partridge, Kirstin Jeffrey Johnson "Informing the Inklings: George MacDonald and the Victorian Roots of Modern Fantasy"
Кэтрин Макилвейн "Tolkien: Maker of Middle-Earth"
Catherine McIlwaine "Tolkien: Maker of Middle-Earth"
Джон Рэтлифф "A Wilderness of Dragons: Essays in Honor of Verlyn Flieger"
John D. Rateliff "A Wilderness of Dragons: Essays in Honor of Verlyn Flieger"