Благодаря вот этой теме принялась изучать Википедию и случайно нашла очень точное определение поджанра, к котором относится мой новый, пока что лишь начатый роман — Gaslamp fantasy. А я мучилась! А я пыталась сформулировать, как же называется этот странный стимпанк-без-намека-на-панк, который я пишу...
Цитата из Вики:
Gaslamp fantasy is a sub-genre, also called gaslight fantasy, of fantasy literature, having the Victorian/Edwardian era as background. It differs from contemporary steampunk, which has a much more super-science and uchronic tone. It also differs from classical Victorian/Edwardian faerie or pure fantasy in the J.R.R. Tolkien or Lewis Carroll style or from historical crime-novels in the Anne Perry or June Thomson style by the supranatural elements, themes or subjects it features.The term was originally coined by artist/writer Kaja Foglio as a framework — and as an alternative to steampunk — for her «Victorian mad science» narrative-driven art work Girl Genius produced by her and her husband Phil Foglio.
The term was however redirected by fantasy-fans to label a genre of Holmesian fantasy or Victorian era Gothic tales. Namely contemporary/modern novels of fantasy having the Victorian gaslamp era as background, for example the Gaslight Grimoire anthology. However, the biography also includes some pre-Victorian-era novels.
The term «gaslamp fantasy» was first coined on April 26, 2006 by webcomic artists Kaja Foglio to differentiate their comic, Girl Genius, from conventional steampunk fiction.
I called it Gaslamp Fantasy because, around the time we were bringing Girl Genius out, there was a comic called Steampunk on the shelves and I didn't want any confusion. Plus, I've never liked the term steampunk much for our work, it's derived from cyberpunk (a term which I think actually fits its genre well) but we have no punk, and we have more than just steam, and using a different name seemed appropriate. I mis-remembered a term that I had come across in the foreword to an H. Rider Haggard book, where the author was talking about Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Rider Haggard and that sort of pre-pulp adventure material, and came up with «Gaslamp Fantasy.» I felt a bit foolish when I discovered that I had made up my own term, but it works and I like it.
В общем, да.
Оно и есть — «фэнтези газовых ламп». Или «газовых фонарей»? Да, наверное, всё-таки фонарей...