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Л. Т. К. Ролт «Green and Silver»

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Green and Silver

Произведение (прочее), год


The Journey is planned

Introduction to Ireland: Athlone and Lough Ree

Galway and Connemara

The voyage begins: Athlone to Shannon Harbour

Clonfert and Banagher

The Grand Canal: Shannon Harbour to Tullamore

The Grand Canal: Tullamore to Dublin


The Royal Canal: Spencer Dock to Mullingar

The Royal Canal: Mullingar to the Shannon

The Upper Shannon and the River Boyle

Battlebridge, Lough Allen and a Regatta

An Interlude Ashore: Drumshambo and Sligo

Down River: Jamestown to Portumna

Lough Derg: Portumna to Killaloe

Killaloe and Limerick

Back to Athlone

Farewell to Ireland


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