fantlab ru

Тед Томпсон, Эли Горовитц «Noisy outlaws, unfriendly blobs, and some other things that aren't as scary, maybe, depending on how you feel about lost lands, stray cellphones, creatures from the sky, parents who disappear in Peru, a man named Lars Farf, and one other story...»

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Noisy outlaws, unfriendly blobs, and some other things that aren't as scary, maybe, depending on how you feel about lost lands, stray cellphones, creatures from the sky, parents who disappear in Peru, a man named Lars Farf, and one other story...

Антология, год


Полное название:

Noisy outlaws, unfriendly blobs, and some other things that aren't as scary, maybe, depending on how you feel about lost lands, stray cellphones, creatures from the sky, parents who disappear in Peru, a man named Lars Farf, and one other story we couldn't quite finish, so maybe you could help us out

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • Introduction (2005) // Автор: Лемони Сникет  
7.12 (73)
3 отз.
  • Grimble (2005) // Автор: Климент Фрейд  
7.78 (574)
13 отз.
7.89 (9)

Издания: ВСЕ (1)

Издания на иностранных языках:

Noisy outlaws, unfriendly blobs, and some other things that aren't as scary, maybe, depending on how you feel about lost lands, stray cellphones, creatures from the sky, parents who disappear in Peru, a man named Lars Farf...
2005 г.


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