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Гарднер Дозуа «Gardnerspace: A Short Fiction Column by Gardner Dozois (Locus #625)»

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Gardnerspace: A Short Fiction Column by Gardner Dozois (Locus #625)

Рецензия, год


Рецензии на следующие вещи: Eclipse Online 10/12; Eclipse Online 11/12; Eclipse Online 12/12; Shoggoths in Bloom, Elizabeth Bear; The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories, Volume One: Where On Earth, Ursula K. Le Guin; The Unreal and the Real: Selected Stories, Volume Two: Outer Space, Inner Lands, Ursula K. Le Guin; The Best of Joe Haldeman, Joe Haldeman; The Collected Kessel, John Kessel; Sex and Violence in Zero-G: The Complete ‘‘Near Space’’ Stories: Expanded Edition, Allen Steele; At the Mouth of the River of Bees, Kij Johnson.

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— журнал «Locus #625, February 2013», 2013 г.

Издания: ВСЕ (1)


Locus #625, February 2013
2013 г.


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