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Гарри Бэйтс «The Readers' Corner»

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The Readers' Corner

Произведение (прочее), год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • "Dear Editor: A friend introduced me to your new magazine..." // Автор: Nathan Greenfield [письмо]
  • "Dear Esitor: I got your first issue of Astouding Stories..." // Автор: Linus Hogenmiller [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: I have read the first issue of Astouding Stories..." // Автор: F. C. Cowherd [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: I have just finish one of the stories in your magazine..." // Автор: M. R. Bercovitch [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: You ask for readers to write you regarding types of stories desired..." // Автор:C. Harry Jeasger [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: Having read the first issue of Astouning Stories..." // Автор: Ruth Miller [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: This is to inform you that we have formed a club..." // Автор: Louis Wentzler [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: In the first edition of your periodical..." // Автор: James Brodeur [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: I am accepting your offer to write and tell you..." // Автор: Worth K. Bryant [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: I have just come across a copy of new magazine..." // Автор: Wilbert Moyer [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: Just a word referring to your "What kind of stories do you like?"..." // Автор: C. E. Anderson [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: I am writing you, per your request in your first issue..." // Автор: Ward Elmore [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: Congratulations on your publicatoin..." // Автор: T. J. Croaff, Jr. [письмо]
  • "Dear Editor: Well, I've got to say something, and I might as well get it over with..." // Автор: Joseph Kankowsky [письмо]

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Издания: ВСЕ (1)


Astounding Stories of Super-Science, May 1930
1930 г.


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