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Филип Рот «Shop Talk: A Writer and His Colleagues and Their Work»

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Shop Talk: A Writer and His Colleagues and Their Work

Произведение (прочее), год


Сборник интервью, взятых Ф. Ротом у известных писателей 20-го века.

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • A Man Saved by His Skills. Conversation in Turin with Primo Levi [The New York Times Book Review, 12 October 1986]
  • Conversation in Jerusalem with Aharon Appelfeld
  • Conversation in Prague with Ivan Klíma [The New York Times Book Review]
  • Conversation in New York with Isaac Bashevis Singer about Bruno Schulz [The New York Times Book Review]
  • Conversation in London and Connecticut with Milan Kundera [The New York Times Book Review]
  • Conversation in London with Edna O'Brien [The New York Times Book Review]
  • An Exchange with Mary McCarthy [The New Yorker]
  • Pictures of Malamud [The New York Times Book Review]
  • Pictures of Guston [Vanity Fair]
  • Rereading Saul Bellow [The New Yorker]


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