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Энтони Бучер «Quinby’s Usuform Robots»

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Quinby’s Usuform Robots

Условный цикл, год

Содержание (части, тома):

  • Q.U.R.  [= Q. U. R.] (1943)  
6.50 (2)
8.00 (1)


Astounding Science-Fiction, March 1943
1943 г.
Astounding Science-Fiction, September 1943
1943 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

Adventures in Time and Space
1946 г.
The Robot and the Man
1953 г.
The Robot and the Man
1954 г.
Famous Science-Fiction Stories: Adventures in Time and Space
1957 г.
The Compleat Werewolf and Other Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1969 г.
The Compleat Werewolf and Other Stories of Fantasy and Science Fiction
1972 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1975 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1978 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1979 г.
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 5 (1943)
1981 г.
Isaac Asimov Presents The Golden Years of Science Fiction: Third Series
1984 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
1990 г.
Adventures in Time and Space
2001 г.


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