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Гораций Уолпол «Anecdotes of Painting in England»

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Anecdotes of Painting in England

Произведение (прочее), год

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • Advertisement
  • Painters in the Reign of King George I
  • Architects, and other Artists in the Reign of George I
  • Painters in the Reign of George II
  • Account of William Hogarth, and Catalogue of his Prints
  • Painters in Enamel and Miniature, Statuaries, and Medallists, in the Reign of George II
  • Architects in the Reign of George II
  • History of Modern Gardening
  • Supplementary Anecdotes of Gardening in England, by the Editor


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