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Серия антологий «The Paintings by Great Artists and the Stories They Inspired»

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The Paintings by Great Artists and the Stories They Inspired

Серия антологий, год

В произведение входит:

6.77 (26)
1 отз.
8.00 (1)

Издания: ВСЕ (4)

На солнце или в тени
2017 г.

Издания на иностранных языках:

In Sunlight or in Shadow: Stories Inspired by the Paintings of Edward Hopper
2016 г.
Alive in Shape and Color: 16 Paintings by Great Artists and the Stories They Inspired
2017 г.
From Sea to Stormy Sea: 17 Paintings by Great American Artists and the Stories They Inspired
2019 г.


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