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Fractal Music, Hypercards and More...: Mathematical Recreations from Scientific American

Другие названия: Fractal Music, Hypercards, and Chaitin’s Omega: Martin Gardner’s Mathematical Recreations

Сборник, год


Данный сборник содержит статьи, опубдликованные в колонке в 1978–1979 гг.

В произведение входит: по порядкупо годупо рейтингу

  • Preface
  • The Tinkly Temple Bells  [= The Bells: versatile numbers that can count partitions of a set, primes and even rhymes] (1978)  
  • Mathematical Zoo  [= A mathematical zoo of astounding critters, imaginary and otherwise] (1978)  
  • Twisted Prismatic Rings  [= A Möbius band has a finite thickness, and so it is actually a twisted prism] (1978)  
  • The Thirty Color Cubes  [= Puzzling over a problem-solving matrix, cubes of many colors and three-dimensional dominoes] (1978)  
  • Egyptian Fractions  [= Puzzles and number-theory problems arising from the curious fractions of ancient Egypt] (1978)  
  • Minimal Sculpture  [= In which a mathematical aesthetic is applied to modern minimal art] (1978)  
  • Minimal Sculpture II [статья]
  • Tangent Circles  [= The diverse pleasures of circles that are tangent to one another] (1979)  
  • More on Poetry [статья]
  • Packing Squares  [= Some packing problems that cannot be solved by sitting on the suitcase] (1979)  
  • Chaitin's Omega  [= The random number omega bids fair to hold the mysteries of the universe] (1979)  

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