Артур Мейчен, А.Э. Уэйт «The House of Hidden Light»
Вероятно, выпущен для членов Герметического Ордена Золотая Заря. Большая часть текста состоит из писем Артура Мейчена и А.Э. Уэйта. Письма Мейчена напечатаны под следующими названиями: From a tarrying place of the fraternity, From a tavern by the way, From the house of our light, From the mansion of the light, In the mansion of Α and Ω, From the house of the purgation, In the place of admonishment, In gaudio sub nomine, In domo altissimæ lucis, From a vestibule of the house of peace, In the place where they are united, From the house of admixture, In the hour and in the house of expectation, Sub signo lucernæ, Form the house of Hermes, From the house of the expectation.
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