Издательство Rosarium ...

Издательство «Rosarium Publishing»

Год открытия: 2013

Greenbelt (MD)
PO Box 544, Greenbelt MD 20768-0544
0-9891411, 0-9891411, 0-9903191, 1-4956, 0-9967692, 0-9987059

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Sunspot Jungle, Volume One

2018 год

Описание: A two-volume collection of over 100 science fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories from around the world.
Cover art by John Jennings.

Sunspot Jungle, Volume Two

2018 год

Описание: A two-volume collection of over 100 science fiction, fantasy, and horror short stories from around the world.
Cover art by John Jennings.

Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond

2013 год

Описание: Speculative fiction anthology that showcases the work from writers inside and outside speculative fiction across the globe.
Cover art by John Jennings.

The SEA Is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia

2015 год

Описание: An anthology of stories infused with the spirits of Southeast Asia’s diverse peoples, legends, and geography.
Cover art by Shing Yin Khor.

Stories for Chip: A Tribute to Samuel R. Delany

2015 год

Описание: Original fiction and creative nonfiction in tribute to Samuel R. Delany.
Cover art by John Jennings.
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