Издательство Hydra House

Издательство «Hydra House»

2850 SW Yancy St. #106, Seattle, WA 98126
0-9848301, 0-9890828

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Narine of Noe

2015 год

Описание: Book 4 in the «Faerie Tales from the White Fores» series.

Song from Afar

2023 год

Описание: Book 6 in the «Faerie Tales from the White Fores» series.

Voyage from Foraglenn

2018 год

Описание: Book 5 in the «Faerie Tales from the White Fores» series.

Pocket Workshop: Essays on Living as a Writer

2021 год

Описание: Cover art by Cory Skerry.

Ex Marginalia: Essays on Writing Speculative Fiction from the Margins

2023 год

Описание: 20 authors of speculative fiction explore what it means to create at the intersections of their multiple marginalities.

Telling Tales: The Clarion West 30th Anniversary Anthology

2013 год

Описание: Anthology of stories from highly acclaimed alumni of the Clarion West Writers Workshop.
Cover art by Todd Lockwood.

Neither Here Nor There

2016 год

Описание: Сборник рассказов в жанре фэнтези.
Cover art by Galen Dara.
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