Издательство Oxford ...

Издательство «Oxford University Press» [OUP]

Год открытия: 1896



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New York
198 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016

Участвует в
Не закрытые:
  • Science-Fiction Writers
  • Very Short Introductions

Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

A Sand County Almanac

1966 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artworks by Charles W. Schwartz.

A Sand County Almanac

2001 год

Описание: Cover and interior photographs by Michael Sewell.

A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There

1968 год

Описание: Cover art and interior artworks by Charles W. Schwartz.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass

2009 год

Описание: Иллюстрация на обложке Frances Broomfield.
Внутренние иллюстрации John Tenniel

Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction

1982 год

Описание: Cover art by Alex Schomburg

Robert A. Heinlein: America as Science Fiction

1980 год

Описание: Иллюстрация на обложке К. Фриса

Science Fiction in the Twentieth Century

1994 год

Описание: Cover illustration: "A Cosmic View", by Robert McCall.

Science Fiction: History • Science • Vision

1977 год

Описание: Academic book on a number of science fiction subjects. The authors do a good job discussing the pulps, the “Golden Age” of SF, and a history of SF and its development. There is a good chapter on bibliographies of the field.
This reprint, 1978.
Cover Photograph: Glen Heller. Cover Design by Susan Gebel.

The Divine Madness of Philip K. Dick

2016 год

Описание: А kind of psychoanalytic biography of Philip K. Dick.
Jacket design by Lucas Heinrich.

The Sword and the Scythe

1946 год

Описание: Cover and illustrations by Edouard Sandoz.

The Oxford Book of American Poetry

2006 год

Описание: Стихотворения американских поэтов.


Olaf Stapledon: A Man Divided

1983 год

Описание: Cover art by Robert Pasternak.


Science Fiction: A Very Short Introduction

2011 год

Описание: Book presents a good short overview of some of the most important Sci-Fi writers of all time. This is a very nice and historically well-researched introduction, with plenty of references to some of the most influential works of science fiction. The book is structured thematically along the main subgenres of science fiction: voyages into space, alien encounters, science fiction and technology, utopias and dystopias, and fictions of time.
Cover art by Philip Atkins.
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