Издательство «Bucknell University Press»Год открытия: 1968 Страна:![]() Город:Lewisburg (PA)Адрес:1 Dent Drive, Lewisburg, PA 17837ISBN-префикс:0-8387, 1-61148Всего изданий:3Внесерийные издания Winston Churchill's Imagination 2006 год Описание: Associational non-fiction, a critical examination of the literary/artistic works of Winston Churchill, with a chapter “Imagining Science: Churchill and Science Fiction” discussing works of alternate history and one possible ghost story, plus details of Churchill's long friendship with H.G. Wells. Includes notes and index, plus four unpaginated color pages of Churchill's paintings.H.G. Wells and Modern Science Fiction 1977 год Описание: Revised papers from an international symposium held at McGill University in 1971.Cover artist unknown. |