Издательство Legion Press

Издательство «Legion Press» [LegionPress]


Всего изданий:


Внесерийные издания

Three-Lobed Burning Eye - Volume VI

2020 год

Описание: The stories previously published in the «Three-Lobed Burning Eye» magazine.

Three-Lobed Burning Eye - Volume VIII

2021 год

Описание: The stories previously published in the «Three-Lobed Burning Eye» magazine.

Three-Lobed Burning Eye Annual II

2004 год

Описание: Collected edition of Three-lobed Burning Eye speculative fiction magazine, issues #5–8, originally published online April 2000 – Mar 2001.
Cover by Rew X; interior art by Alessandro Bavari, Mike Bohatch and Rew X.
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