Franz Rottensteiner The ...

Franz Rottensteiner «The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History»

В магазинах:РЕКЛАМА 18+
Все издания:

The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History

Язык издания: английский

New York: New American Library, 1975 г.

Тираж: не указан

ISBN: 0-8164-9169-0

Тип обложки: мягкая

Формат: другой

Страниц: 160


Cover art not credited.


  1. Franz Rottensteiner. The Science Fiction Book: An Illustrated History (энциклопедия/справочник)

    1. Introduction, с. 7
    2. Setting the Patterns: H. G. Wells, с. 27
    3. Fantasies of Flight, с. 30
    4. The Modern Prometheus: Frankenstein, Mr Hyde, Dr Moreau, с. 32
    5. The Invasion from Mars, с. 36
    6. Dime Novels and Pulp Heroes, с. 39
    7. Cyrano de Bergerac: Journeys to the Moon, с. 41
    8. The Father of Science Fiction: Hugo Gernsback, с. 42
    9. Tsiolkovsky, the Russian Father of Rocketry, с. 44
    10. ...and Two Hungarians, с. 45
    11. To Barsoom!: The SF Works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, с. 46
    12. The Tales of A. Merritt, с. 48
    13. Robots..., с. 51
    14. ...and Golems, с. 52
    15. Space-Time Jugglers: E. E. Smith and Others, с. 54
    16. Elder Gods and Eldritch Horror: H. P. Lovecraft, с. 56
    17. The Guru of the Engineering Mind: John W. Campbell, Jr, с. 60
    18. The Golden Age of SF, с. 62
    19. Living Suns and Sentient Planets: Stapledon and Lewis, с. 64
    20. The French Father of Science Fiction: Jules Verne, с. 66
    21. The Mysterious Captain Nemo, с. 68
    22. A World in the Moon: Precursors of SF, с. 70
    23. Two Moon Journeys: Verne and Wells, с. 72
    24. Into the Hollow Earth, с. 75
    25. Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, с. 78
    26. ...and Still More Robots, с. 82
    27. Lost Worlds: Arthur Conan Doyle, с. 84
    28. Cosmic Forces and Messages of Salvation, с. 88
    29. Big Brother is Watching You: Anti-Utopia, с. 90
    30. The Illustrator of Worlds to Come: Albert Robida, с. 93
    31. Verisimilitude in Science Fiction: Edgar Allan Poe, с. 97
    32. The Work of Robert A. Heinlein, с. 98
    33. A Pole on the Moon, с. 101
    34. Ray Bradbury and the Lost Voice of Childhood, с. 102
    35. The Fabulous Art of Hannes Bok, с. 104
    36. 2001 — A Space Odyssey, с. 106
    37. Buck Rogers, Superman, et al., с. 109
    38. Secondary Universes and Magic Lands, с. 112
    39. First Contact: Forms of Life in Outer Space, с. 114
    40. Why There Is No Sex in Science Fiction, с. 116
    41. SF on TV, с. 119
    42. Science Fiction in the Soviet Union, с. 122
    43. The Literature of Cataclysm, с. 125
    44. The 'New Wave', с. 130
    45. Hard SF, с. 135
    46. SF Achievements in...
      1. France..., с. 139
      2. Japan..., с. 141
      3. Italy, Spain, Rumania..., с. 144
      4. and Germany, с. 146
    47. A Joyfully Mad Cosmos: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr, с. 147
    48. Stanisław Lem, the Greatest Contemporary SF Writer, с. 148
    49. Some Other SF Authors, с. 150
    50. SF Fandom, с. 152
    51. Chronology of Science Fiction, с. 153
    52. Select Bibliography, с. 154
    53. Nebula Awards, с. 158
    54. Hugo Awards, с. 159


Размер книги: 20х27 см.

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