- Frank M. Robinson. Introduction, с. 6-12
- Frank M. Robinson. Book of Science Fiction (документальное произведение)
- Introduction, с. 14-23
- Chapter 1. The Future is Here… It’s 1901!, c. 24-33
- Chapter 2. Isn’t It Amazing?, c. 34-53
- Chapter 3. No, It’s Wonderful!, c. 54-67
- Chapter 4. Astounding, The Class Act, c. 68-93
- Chapter 5. Stellar Companions and Dwarf Stars, c. 94-113
- Chapter 6. The Major Moons of Jupiter, c. 114-133
- Chapter 7. … and the Minor, c. 134-155
- Chapter 8. The Big and the British, c. 156-171
- Chapter 9. Good Things in Small Packages, c. 172-191
- Chapter 10. Bound to be Read, c. 192-223
- Chapter 11. Future Dreams, c. 224-249
- Afterword: The Death of Science Fiction?, c. 250-255
- Credits & Acknowledgements: For Sale – the Future, c. 256-262
- Robert Weinberg. Book of Horror (документальное произведение)
- Chapter 1. Dark Roots, c. 264-285
- Chapter 2. Antiquarian Ghosts, c. 286-303
- Chapter 3. Horror Comes to Hollywood, c. 304-325
- Chapter 4. Horror on a Budget, c. 326-369
- Chapter 5. New Outlets, c. 370-385
- Chapter 6. Comics Horrify, c. 386-409
- Chapter 7. Famous Monsters, c. 410-439
- Chapter 8. The Horror Boom, c. 440-483
- Chapter 9. The Downward Spiral, c. 484-501
- Chapter 10. Horror Today, c. 502-509
- Credits & Acknowledgements, c. 510-512
- Randy Broecker. Book of Fantasy (документальное произведение)
- Introduction: Better Living through Fantasy, c. 514-517
- Chapter 1. 1001 Delights, c. 518-535
- Chapter 2. Lost Worlds, Lost Races, c. 536-555
- Chapter 3. The Pulp Alchemists, c. 556-579
- Chapter 4. Complete Enchanters, c. 580-597
- Chapter 5. A Good Story is Worth Reprinting, c. 598-611
- Chapter 6. With This Ring, c. 612-631
- Chapter 7. Have Sword, Will Travel, c. 632-665
- Chapter 8. Seeing is Believing, the Cinema of Fantastic, c. 666-693
- Chapter 9. Dear Mr. Fantasy, c. 694-713
- Chapter 10. Faerie ‘Cross the Mersey, c. 714-737
- Chapter 11. The Road Goes Ever on, c. 738-757
- Beyond the Fields I Know: Credits & Acknowledgements, c. 758-762
- Index, c. 763-768
Размеры книги: 33.8 x 26.4 x 5.8 см.
Вес книги: 5,3 кг.
Омнибус из трех ранее опубликованных книг: «Science Fiction of the 20th Century» (1999), «Horror of the 20th Century» (2000) и «Fantasy of the 20th Century» (2001), но под другими названиями.
Книга содержит более 1300 цветных репродукций обложкек журналов, книг, комиксов и постеров. Полный их список можно посмотреть здесь: http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?277739.
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