- Introduction
- James Gunn. Discovering the Future in My Grandmother`s Back Closet (статья), стр. 1-3
- Marleen S. Barr. Barr What`s a Nice Baby Boomer Literary Scholar Like Me Doing Reading Fiction Like This? (статья), стр. 3-5
- Matthew Candelaria. The Medium That Time Forgot (статья), стр. 5-7
- Part I: Mapping Science Fiction
- Introduction to Part I, стр. 11-13
- Eric S. Rabkin. Defining Science Fiction (эссе), стр. 15-22
- Bruce Franklin. What is Science Fiction — and How it Grew (эссе), стр. 23-32
- Brian Stableford. Narrative Strategies in Science Fiction (эссе), стр. 33-42
- Mark Bould, Sherryl Vint. There is No Such Thing as Science Fiction (эссе), стр. 43-51
- Part II: Science Fiction and Popular Culture
- Introduction to Part II, стр. 55-56
- George Zebrowski. Science Fiction Movies: The Fued of Eye and Idea (эссе), стр. 57-71
- Michael Cassutt. The Feedback Loop (эссе), стр. 72-84
- Brooks Landon. Computers in Science Fiction (статья), стр. 85-95
- Orson Scott Card. Cross-Fertilization or Coincidence? Science Fiction and Video Games (эссе), стр. 96-105
- Part III: Theoretical Approaches to Science Fiction
- Introduction to Part III, стр. 109-110
- Jane Donawerth. Gender is a Problem That Can Be Solved: Women's SF and Feminist Theory (эссе), стр. 111-119
- Carl Freedman. Marxism and SF (эссе), стр. 120-132
- Matthew Candelaria. Reading SF with Postcolonial Theory (эссе), стр. 133-141
- Roberto de Sousa Causo. Encountering International Science Fiction Through a Latin American Lens (эссе), стр. 142-154
- Part IV: Reading Science Fiction in the Classroom
- Introduction to Part IV, стр. 157-158
- James Gunn. Reading Science Fiction as Science Fiction (эссе), стр. 159-167
- Jeanne Cortiel. Reading Joanna Russ in Context: Science, Utopia and Postmodernity (эссе), стр. 168-180
- Lisa Yaszek, Doug Davis. Reading Science Fiction's Interdisciplinary Conversation with Science and Technology Studies (эссе), стр. 181-191
- Part V: Science Fiction and Diverse Disciplines
- Introduction to Part V, стр. 195-197
- Joseph D. Miller. Neuroscience Fiction Redux (статья), стр. 199-211
- Gregory Benford. Physics Through Science Fiction (эссе), стр. 212-218
- Pamela Sargent. Science Fiction and Biology (эссе), стр. 219-226
- James Gunn. The Philosophy of Science Fiction (статья), стр. 227-234
- Bruce Sterling. Science Fiction and the Internet (эссе), стр. 235-243
- The Reading Science Fiction Blog, стр. 244-252
- Bibliography, стр. 253-262
- Index, стр. 263-265
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